Did Noodle-Roni have a slogan? And why was Rice-A-Roni such a big deal in San Francisco? I mean, I live an hour away from there, and I never hear anyone talk about it. I mean, I grew up in Michigan,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Levi Krause
Yeah… You try coming up with titles for this strip each week. My schedule is… adjusted… this week (and last) due to the holidays, and it’s thrown my schedule off a bit. But I get this weekend off. Is it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My schedule is all screwed up this week, due to changed-over holiday hours and a recent batch of plague/death, so I almost missed my post-time on this. I know it’s possible to pre-post things on WordPress, but I just can’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Notice the pellets? Yeah, you don’t see that kind of thing in Garfield, kids! I’m kind of a trivia buff. Mostly movies and TV stuff, although my brain just latches onto whatever it wants, and it’s sometimes surprising the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry this is later than normal, but we went to see The Muppets tonight. I am surely not the world’s biggest Muppet fan, but I am a fan in a big way. And I’m a bit of a purist on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And Strobe proper is back! I really want to try to do some updating of the site(s) pretty soon. At the very least, there are some other people who are part of the Don’t Ask Comics family that I’d[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Um… Yeah. This is a Baujahr strip. On the Strobe page. What’s up? So, some time ago (real-world time), Levi decided to have a Strobe/Baujahr crossover. And it worked nearly seamlessly, and there was much rejoicing (yay). But here, well… We[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Or, what’s the old saying… “You should feed a cold, but burn an accidental fur-dying from cheeto butt-dust.” That’s it, right? You know, if ever I thought I’d have a web site up with pics of bunnies bathing together…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Kids, don’t try this at home. I think if people did bathe in gasoline, my fiancé’s showers would cost $147.36 on average. And she’d still leave the wet towel laying on my side of the bed for some blasted reason.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dude, who in the forty hecks in Sam Richbary? It occurred to me (as in, yes, I am actually losing sleep over it) that I can probably not in any way, shape, or form get the timing right on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…