I didn’t.

Okay, I almost did.  Kinda’ sorta’.


The reality is, this week, Strobe! took a backseat to some real-life events.  And this is with the understanding that all these strips have been pre-written, drawn, coloured and posted (and even printed) before.  Some time back, actually.


So, to every other web comic out there, every artist that has ever felt the stress of their days or weeks beating on them, and then they couldn’t make their (normally) self-imposed deadline, who put up an apology saying they were running behind, killing themselves to stay on schedule no matter what…  You have my utmost respect.  I don’t know how you manage to do it.


I expect (read: hope) to get the schedule back on track immediately.  Mondays for Buajahr!, Wednesdays for Strobe!  And maybe some other things sprinkled in.


Meanwhile, Levi’s Blog Site is  going through a… transformation.  For the time being, unless you’ve been lucky enough to collect the Flint Comix issues that they’ve originally appeared in, or were saving them from their original online appearance, right now this is the only place (well, here and the sister site) to read Baujahr! and Strobe!  So, it’s even more important to me to maintain a schedule.


As for what Levi has planned for the Blog…  No idea.  At least that’s the story I plan to stick with.  Keep your eyes peeled!