Mascot Guy
This is a re-design of this Restaurant Mascot. I wasn’t really making a comparison that mine was “better” or superior to the original, but I can see where it would seem that way. I just wanted to make sure it was known that this wasn’t my original design. That kind of stuff is super important to me.
No one asked for this, I just kept seeing the guy on a good friend’s Facebook posts, and I got to thinking… I do still wonder who the people are who make these for the wonderful “Mom and Pop” restaurants out there. Was it a family member? Some random guy you met? Just curious, as most of the great ones I see were designed LONG before there was any sort of internet to reach out to artists or designers. You almost had to know someone. Wild. I say “wild” and that’s the world I grew up in…
Anyway, that’s enough update posts for tonight. I don’t want to push my luck annoying anyone. I don’t want to push my luck any further with WordPrASS.