FAILTOBER – DAY 24 – “Blind”
I want to apologize to anyone that talks to me “in real life” because pretty much ALL I’ve done since it got warm again is complain endlessly about the fact that it’s HOT and I don’t like it. I understand it’s annoying. I did call my Landlord today to let him know my AC unit isn’t working properly, and he promised to address it ASAP, so hopefully I can shut up for 5 minutes about it.
Doing these doodles where I draw myself always feels like a “cheat” to me, but I guess that’s only me giving myself a hard time. The problem for me is that these sketches of myself usually only ever highlight the “crappy” stuff that happens, as that’s often the funniest in retrospect… but I’m not an “angry” guy for the most part, and I have SO LITTLE to actually complain about these days. I guess it says something about me as a person that I only show the happy through strange little creatures and such, and rarely myself? Who knows. I’m not a shrink, and I’m bored of examining myself inwardly. Which is also part of the reason I don’t think I could do an actual “Diary Comic” in the way that some are able to do. My day to day simply isn’t that interesting, and also, as you’ve read on these “Blong” pages, my editing skills are crap. I’d need someone to edit my life. Lol
Hope he comes and fixes that AC today…