Oddly Relevant
Another catch-up post, and this seems to fit how the past few days have felt. I’m not as irritated by the heat this year YET, but it has been toasty. It was whenever I drew this that I was noticing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Another catch-up post, and this seems to fit how the past few days have felt. I’m not as irritated by the heat this year YET, but it has been toasty. It was whenever I drew this that I was noticing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m really sorry to anyone who checks here looking for stuff. I’ve put off updating this for far too long. Good news is, I’ve been making WAY more art this year than I have in a very long time. I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This one is inked with a regular old pen, on regular old paper. It turned out okay. Another one that’d look better with color. Maybe some day. For now, it works. Next!
This one totally needs color. There are a couple of these that I’m most definitely going to color and post when I get stumped/stuck on the other stuff I have in mind for this next year. Okay. Only 6 of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Well, here we are. FAILTOBER! Now that I’ve failed the Inktober challenge, I’m not going to stress myself out too much on posting every day, but it should be a pretty steady walk to the finish line. It’s not my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was completely CAUGHT UP for like 15 minutes. Then it hit midnight again. Womp Womp… Do you like that giant FACE? ISN’T THAT GIANT FACE HANDSOME? NeXt!
Already an unexpected turn. I thought of the “Ringo” element AS I was drawing this… Brain is firing. Not that it makes any more sense. Hey, this is what I do best. Random, crazy stuff that makes your brain melt[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t do a whole lot of fan art. I’ve watched SO MUCH David Lynch over the past few weeks that I figured I’d post this Eraserhead piece I did forever ago. I still think this is my favorite movie[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
…and Thankful for LOADS of stuff this year, and every day. Rope them Tofu Beasts and eat them all up, y’all! Yee Haw! (or they’re the same type of creature that Gumby is. Either way, eat them! Lol)
…as I work on… More Strange Stuff! Whee! Stumbled across a worthwhile project for me. Of course, I can’t show it, or talk about it much until it’s done. Working tho. I promise you all that much. Also reading a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…