Thwip Horse???
on June 6, 2019
at 1:44 am
This is what they call a “Draw This In Your Style” Challenge over on Instagram. An artist/creator chooses one of their characters, or drawings, and you draw it in your style. I’ve wanted to do one of these for a while, but none of them caught my eye until I saw “The Thwip Horse” by @adys_box on Instagram. Here is a screenshot of their post that I used for reference. The little girl character is theirs also.
I mean, c’mon. The thing is cute, and the legs are practically “Doats” from my Levi’s World comic. How could I resist? It reminds me of something you’d read about in a L. Frank Baum book. Anyway, if you Instagram, there are certainly worse things you could check out than their page. Go on over and give them some love. 🙂