Oddly Relevant
Another catch-up post, and this seems to fit how the past few days have felt. I’m not as irritated by the heat this year YET, but it has been toasty.
It was whenever I drew this that I was noticing my tendency to over-use the color green. I was trying to make something without it, and it showed up anyway.
It’s not so much the heat that gets me, it’s the fact that EVERY BUG is out and trying to get into my place. Even the spiders that I usually don’t mind have been pushing their luck and saying hello personally.
There was one that I swear was living inside my computer, and it crawled on my hand while I was using my mouse. I like spiders. I don’t mind them hanging out as long as they don’t touch or annoy me by landing on my head. About six hours later, the same spider was chilling on top of my monitor, and I flicked it, and it disappeared. A few more hours passed, and it crawled across my monitor while I was watching YouTube. I aggressively tried to murder it and I failed. I smacked at it four separate times, yet it managed to disappear again. I yelled, “Curse you, Spider-Man!!” like J. Jonah Jameson, but I was pretty impressed by it’s ability to evade me. The fifth and final? time, I saw it across the room on the fridge, and grabbed a paper towel and got it good. I even jammed my finger into the wall in over-assertiveness. I’d killed Spider-Man.
Or so I thought.
Later that evening, Another spider. A spider that looked the exact same as the one I was positive I’d squashed in a paper towel and looked at it’s dead body before I threw it in the trash. Impossible to tell if it was truly the same spider back from the dead. I haven’t seen it since. I greatly enjoy the mystery.
Cool story, Levi. :/