on October 4, 2016
at 7:30 pm
Day 4 – “Hungry”
Really didn’t think this was going to happen today… However, I’m finding that doing these really IS creating a wonderful new “habit” of at least getting to my sad, neglected desk every day. So, that’s completely positive.
I know I talked a lot (maybe too much) about the tools I use yesterday, but I didn’t mention what paper. Mostly because it’s nothing at ALL “fancy”. I just use plain old 60 lb “copy paper” that I dug out of the scrap box at my old printing job. (For some reason, I still use the good bristol when I do the SHaLK comics. That’s really the only time I use it tho. Honestly, with today’s scanning technology, you really can use just about anything that makes or takes a mark.)
That’s all I got. NEXT!