INKTOBER 2018!!! LET’S GO! …tomorrow… :)
Super excited that it’s time to do this again. In some ways, this is what I’ve been low-key waiting for. I tried working on other stuff, truly I did… It just wasn’t working out with where my head-space was. Is that “wishy washy”? Sure! Artists are flakey people at times, and I totally flaked on several fronts, but it’s INKTOBER! GO TIME! WHEEEE!
Seeing a lot of creators making up their own lists this year! That’s just the coolest. It’s going to be an amazing month of new art from so many people, all in the spirit of just doing it for the fun of it. I can’t think of a better reason…
Oh, here’s the “Official Prompt List” (that you really don’t have to follow one way or another if you’re doing the challenge for the month. Just a drawing each day for a month is the whole point. No pressure beyond that. Don’t even have to do it every day if you don’t want to. You’re still winning.) if you want to follow along, even though I’ll be writing out the prompts as I do anyway. Part of the fun of this for me is drawing the word.
Also, my first three days this month are chock-full of real-life, personal dumb stuff, so I may or may not be off to a shaky start from the starting line. Please check in often here, or on my Instagram @levi.krause if you’re into tha Insta… 🙂 (seriously… ANYTHING is better than viewing this on Facefart)