Inktober 2018 Day 5 “Chicken”
Wow, I was REALLY dreading this prompt for today. I mean, what could anyone POSSIBLY draw with a stupid chicken that hasn’t been done, and done a ga-zillion times?? Even this… attempt has possibly been done. Everything from Robot Chicken to the chickens on The Muppets to The Far Side to Moana have all had pretty awesome “chicken” characters. (Sorry if I didn’t mention your personal favorite “chicken” appearance. There’s been a LOT.)
I was even going to wait until later today to stew on this some more, so I tried to take a nap… and that seems to be the best thing I can usually do. No, not sleep. If only. I close my eyes, and all this STUFF just starts showing up. It’s wonderful, and also infuriating at times… but I’ll take it. Now, I’ve done some DUMB drawings in my day, and this is TOTALLY ONE OF THEM. Hahaa. It’s loosely based on how some people say Dinosaurs and Birds are related genetically and whatever… Which, makes total sense if you’ve ever really looked at a chicken. They can be ENORMOUS and FREAKY, man.
Wow. Ramble much, Levi? Oh… so I’m not sure how many people are checking these out here on the site, but if you’re reading this, then THANK YOU, and I’m glad someone is. 🙂
See you tomorrow! Probably also at some Uncanny hour of the day. Seems to be what I do.